Green houses, a Finance that Protects you..

Greenhouse Financing


Financing (loans) of greenhouses is a service offered in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, specialized companies and interested organizations in agricultural development and preservations of water resources.

The main goal of this technique is to achieve the aim of reducing costs and doubling income from agricultural crops, in addition to the fact that the practicability and number of technical experiments confirm that the agricultural crop resulting from the technology of greenhouses is considered more worthy and healthy.

Service Features:

  • Achieving the highest possible returns that enable farmers to pay off installments and expand their activities.
  • Ensuring of access to high quality of cultivated crops that lead to an increase demand.
  • Increasing the productivity of agricultural crops.
  • Reducing the production costs that used in irrigation, pesticides and fertilizers and turning them into benefits to farms.

Terms and Documents Required to Obtain the Service:

  • Customer should maintian an account with CAC Bank.
  • Providing the original identity copy (a valid electronic card or passport).
  • Fill in the application form by visiting any CAC Bank Branch or office.
  • The customer should be able to bear at least (30%) of the projects value.
  • The customer must have a source of water (an owned well or close to him that he can buy from).
  • The customer shall use modern irrigation systems (drip).
  • The customer shall not have failed to pay any debts to any banking or financial entity.
  • Providing a feasibility study for the project in cooperation with the bank, and providing a price offer for the project.
  • The ability to bring sufficient guarantees and that the customer has the ownership document of the agricultural land.
  • The farm is located in areas eligible for agriculture for economic benefit throughout the year.
  • Banking charge for financing 8% per annum.


All or some of the following guarantees: (that cover the value of the granted finance to customer and also subject to the policies and decision of the Agricultural Credit Committee)

  1. A commercial guarantee from a merchant that have an account with CAC Bank.
  2. A guarantee from funds or entities that may nominate the farmer to have the finance. (or less if the guarantee is supplementary).
  3. Guarantee a deposit in the bank. (or less if the warranty is supplementary).
  4. Partial guarantee for those employees who receive their salaries through our bank not exceeding 50% of the net salary. (or less if the guarantee is supplementary).
  5. For short term finances reached to 2 years, gold mortgages must equal to 150% of the value of the finance as approved by the Agricultural Credit Committee. (or less if the guarantee is supplementary).
  6. A property located in a provinces’ capital that covers at least 120% of the value of the required finance, (or less if the guarantee is supplementary).


It depends on applicant request; the finance is flexible and can be made in a traditional or Islamic way.

(10%) that is borne by the importer of greenhouses.

If the customer presented all required guarantees, the finance will be preceded within only two weeks.

Yes, there are approved technical specifications for the product.


The supplier will not get any payment unless all required technical specifications are matching.

According to the feasibility study of the project (from 1 to 3 years).

No, the applicant will cooperate with the bank to provide data for existing projects and sources of repayments (finance) and the bank will prepare the feasibility study.

At the nearest branch or office to customer.

(Application form according to the approved form - original personal identity - the price offer - the original ID card - the ownership document of the land or the lease)

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