The Governor of Rayma Inaugurated CAC Bank’s Branch in Rayma Governorate
9/20/2016 12:00:00 AM
Mr. Hassan Abdulla Al-Amari – the governor of Rayma today inaugurated the branch of CAC Bank in Rayma governorate at cost of YER 82 Million financed by the bank.
During the inauguration ceremony the governor Mr. Al-Amari confirmed that the branch will constitute an explicit move in monetary and banking for serving the nations of the governorate in all banking aspects, stating the importance of broaden the banking service of CAC Bank in different districts of Rayma that match with the monetary policy of the bank.
Besides, the governor Mr. Al-Amri emphasized on the importance of facilitating the transactions mechanisms and procedures to Rayma clients either in paying salaries or in facilitating development loans to farmers and other services.
Moreover, Mr. Jamal Ahmed Al-Ramah - Branch Manager clarified that the bank will offer all banking and monetary services to its clients and will be initiating ATMs machines in Al-Jabeen - the capital of the governorate to facilitate services to employees and other beneficiaries.
Mr. Al-Ramah also indicated that they have initiated the process of opening accounts to clients who are willing to deal with the bank, and highlighted that salaries of state employees in civil and military sectors will be paid starting from October this year. Mr. Al-Ramah also pointed out that those customers in far districts will also take benefits from services presented by other branches of the bank in nearby areas such as Al-Sharq city branch in Dhamar and Bait Al-Faqeeh branch in Hodaidah until making a suitable mechanism for offering all banking services in directorates centers during the coming period.
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