CAC Bank is the First Yemeni Bank to Apply Biometric Iris Service
2/16/2011 12:00:00 AM
CAC Bank is currently witnessing a major technological breakthrough in the field of electronic banking services offered to its customers, in line with the spirit of technological progress that the world has witnessed in recent years and the perspective of CAC bank high management to keep up with developments and get closer as well as providing new systems in the banking market. The Cooperative and Agricultural Credit Bank is the pioneering bank in the country in applying the modern and sophisticated banking services such as becoming the first bank in Yemen to offer CAC Mobily service to execute operations through the Mobile, and the first to offer E-banking services to execute various services through the internet and recently it became the first bank in Yemen to provide a Biometric service.
This service was applied in view of the importance and modernity of the biometric and based on the modern technological infrastructure owned by CAC bank and our keenness to keep up with the technological developments in the world of banking. Also, we have preferred to adapt new edition of our banking magazine to clarify the service, where we seek through the this edition to review the details and information of the biometric service, the idea, the nature and history, which comes as a continue of the developments of the bank and uniqueness in modern technology in the Yemeni banking market.
The Biometric Service appeared as an idea to use iris drawings of eye in the book of James Dugart (1949) and remained as an idea. In the early 1980s, it appeared as a science fiction in some movies and in 1987, biometric Iris has been registered as an internationally accredited scientific method introduced by American ophthalmologists: (Aran Savir, Lennard Flume)
Mr. Hamza Al-Jubeihi, director of the Biometric Iris Product said that the idea of operating this new product can be seen through a device called “Lamp Chips” which is used by ophthalmologists, as it produces a beam of light penetrating the eye in a tilted to know the layers of the eye. This device can enlarge the biometrics 300 times and even see the colored iris; the print that distinguishes one person from another is like the details that the doctor magnified on the TV screen.
According to the product manager Mr. Hamza Al-Jubaihi the biometric iris project was created in order to achieve a strategic objective of the bank; the subsidiary company CAC for Information Technology become the exclusive supplier of the biometric technology in Yemen (as a technology and commodity), whereby there are aspired ambitions by government in using the service for the purpose of security reasons in airports, land ports, sea ports, department of passports, department of traffic and department of civil conditions. He added that since the service is currently a new and unrecognized service, it must be marketed intensively and independently to spread the service, and summarize the steps to promote the service:
- Implementing a marketing and promotion campaign including, posters and advertisements in the media.
- Making visits to parties that pay salaries of their employees through CAC Bank to explain the importance of this new service.
- Using this service as a positive feature to attract more entities to pay their salaries through CAC Bank.
- Providing the bank branches with biometric machine according to their needs.
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